Elaine Rees Counselling takes your privacy very seriously, and my privacy policy sets out how I use and protect any information that you give me when you use this website or service.
ERC is committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. Should you provide certain information by which you can be identified when using this website, then you can be assured that it will only be used in accordance with this privacy statement.
•I will not ask for personal information unless I truly need it.
•I will not share your personal information with anyone, except to comply with the law and the contract specifications set out to by commissioning organisations to deliver my services, or to protect my rights.
What data do I keep and why do I need it?
Name and age – basic information that helps me get to know you.
Address, email address, phone number – I use this as a way of contacting you regarding your sessions. Usually, I will use the method you first contacted me on but if I cannot reach you, I will try a different method.
Doctors details – If I was worried that you were at risk then I may need to contact your doctor. We would discuss this in our session, and I would notify you that I was going to do this.
How will I store your data?
Any hard copies of paperwork are kept in a locked filing cabinet. Electronic information is stored to my password protected laptop and your phone numbers will be kept in my mobile phone which is code protected.
How long will I store your data for and how will I dispose of it?
Personal information including your phone number and email address with be deleted one month after our work ends.
Any hard copies of documentation will be shredded one month after our work ends.
Your name and brief session notes will be kept for five years which is the time frame my insurance company requests.
Elaine Rees Counselling is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) and complies with the requirements under The Data Protection Act 1998 with regard to processing of personal information in relation to the conduct of my business and my contractual agreements with commissioning organisations.
ICO Certificate Number ZA813278
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